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HWoW Warrior (DPS / Tank)
dombnexenDate: Monday, 2018-11-26, 9:40 AM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 41
Status: Offline
DPS Warrior Guide
Glyphs (Major)

Glyph of Whirlwind (Important)
Glyph of Shockwave
Glyph of Cleaving
Glyphs (Minor)

Glyph of Battle
Glyph of Command
Glyph of Thunder Clap
Notes - Due to "Poleaxe Specialization" and "Mace Specialization"The best weapon options are -
MH = Axe
OH = Mace
Unless you donate then the best options would be -
MH = Frostmourne
OH = Shamac (BoA) OR Orirani (BoP)
Macros : -
Single Target -

/castsequence [stance:1] reset=5 Rend, Thunder Clap, Berserker Stance
/castsequence [stance:3] reset=5 Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Sunder Armor, Bloodthirst, Execute, Battle Stance
/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Sweeping Strikes

AoE -

/castsequence [stance:1] reset=5 Rend, Thunder Clap, Berserker Stance
/castsequence [stance:3] reset=5 Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Sunder Armor, Bloodthirst, Execute, Battle Stance
/cast Cleave
/cast Sweeping Strikes

^--- With both of those macros you will need to continuously and repeatedly press the assigned key.

For maximum DPS use Shockwave whenever you can, and use Bladestorm on 3 OR MORE TARGETS, The AoE Macro is better than Bladestorm on 2 targets, and the single target macro is better than Bladestorm single target.

Tank - Warrior - Guide
Glyphs (Major)

Glyph of Blocking
Glyph of Cleaving
Glyph of Devastate
Glyphs (Minor)

Glyph of Command
Glyph of Battle
Glyph of Thunder Clap
The only reason for not spamming "Revenge" is because of the following -
"Thunderclap": has a lot of agro generation.
"Bloodthirst": heals you (a bit)
"Rend": helps with agro if you're cc'd
"Shield Slam": increases block value
"Devastate": applies "Sunder Armor"

Macros : -
Single Target -

/castsequence reset=2 Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Rend, Thunder Clap, Shockwave, Revenge, Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Thunder Clap, Revenge
/cast Heroic Strike

AoE -

/castsequence reset=2 Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Rend, Thunder Clap, Shockwave, Revenge, Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Thunder Clap, Revenge
/cast Cleave

Conditional macro -

/castsequence reset=2 Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Rend, Thunder Clap, Shockwave, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Thunder Clap, Devastate
/cast Heroic Strike

The conditional macro is only if - There's another warrior that keep spamming sunder and wont stop, or if your "Revenge" Isn't procing much.

Note - If you're struggling for agro (even on single target) use the AoE macro instead, "Cleave" has a much higher threat generation than "Heroic Strike".

Additionally - When procing defensives, rotate your cooldowns one by one and see if you need to proc more than one at a time, It's very rare that you'll need every defensive you have in one moment.

Macro will cast charge, if your charge is on cooldown it will cast Intercept

/castsequence reset=15 Charge, Intercept

Will cast Bladestorm, if pressed again it will cancel Bladestorm

/cast Bladestorm
/cancelaura Bladestorm

Macro will cast "Intervene" on your focus target.

/cast [@focus] Intervene

Macro will cast a 2 defensive cooldowns to help keep you alive

/castsequence reset=10 Last Stand, Berserker Rage, Enraged Regeneration

Macro will cast Shattering thrown and then place you back to "Berserker Stance" (Also if Shattering is on cooldown you can use this macro to stance dance)

/cast [stance:2/3] Battle Stance
/cast Shattering Throw
/cast [stance:1] Berserker Stance(edited)
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