dombnexen | Date: Monday, 2018-11-26, 9:40 AM | Message # 1 |
![dombnexen](/avatar/00/00/00138315.jpg) Lieutenant
Group: Administrators
Messages: 41
Status: Offline
| DPS Warrior Guide ----- DPS ----- Glyphs (Major)
Glyph of Whirlwind (Important) Glyph of Shockwave Glyph of Cleaving ----- Glyphs (Minor)
Glyph of Battle Glyph of Command Glyph of Thunder Clap ----- Notes - Due to "Poleaxe Specialization" and "Mace Specialization"The best weapon options are - MH = Axe OH = Mace Unless you donate then the best options would be - MH = Frostmourne OH = Shamac (BoA) OR Orirani (BoP) ----- Macros : - Single Target -
#showtooltip /castsequence [stance:1] reset=5 Rend, Thunder Clap, Berserker Stance /castsequence [stance:3] reset=5 Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Sunder Armor, Bloodthirst, Execute, Battle Stance /cast Heroic Strike /cast Sweeping Strikes
AoE -
#showtooltip /castsequence [stance:1] reset=5 Rend, Thunder Clap, Berserker Stance /castsequence [stance:3] reset=5 Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Sunder Armor, Bloodthirst, Execute, Battle Stance /cast Cleave /cast Sweeping Strikes
^--- With both of those macros you will need to continuously and repeatedly press the assigned key.
For maximum DPS use Shockwave whenever you can, and use Bladestorm on 3 OR MORE TARGETS, The AoE Macro is better than Bladestorm on 2 targets, and the single target macro is better than Bladestorm single target. -----
Tank - Warrior - Guide ----- Tank ----- Glyphs (Major)
Glyph of Blocking Glyph of Cleaving Glyph of Devastate ----- Glyphs (Minor)
Glyph of Command Glyph of Battle Glyph of Thunder Clap ----- The only reason for not spamming "Revenge" is because of the following - "Thunderclap": has a lot of agro generation. "Bloodthirst": heals you (a bit) "Rend": helps with agro if you're cc'd "Shield Slam": increases block value "Devastate": applies "Sunder Armor"
----- Macros : - Single Target -
#showtooltip /castsequence reset=2 Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Rend, Thunder Clap, Shockwave, Revenge, Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Thunder Clap, Revenge /cast Heroic Strike
AoE -
#showtooltip /castsequence reset=2 Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Rend, Thunder Clap, Shockwave, Revenge, Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Thunder Clap, Revenge /cast Cleave
Conditional macro -
#showtooltip /castsequence reset=2 Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Rend, Thunder Clap, Shockwave, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Shield Slam, Devastate, Bloodthirst, Thunder Clap, Devastate /cast Heroic Strike
The conditional macro is only if - There's another warrior that keep spamming sunder and wont stop, or if your "Revenge" Isn't procing much.
Note - If you're struggling for agro (even on single target) use the AoE macro instead, "Cleave" has a much higher threat generation than "Heroic Strike".
Additionally - When procing defensives, rotate your cooldowns one by one and see if you need to proc more than one at a time, It's very rare that you'll need every defensive you have in one moment. -----
Macro will cast charge, if your charge is on cooldown it will cast Intercept
#showtooltip /castsequence reset=15 Charge, Intercept /startattack
----- Will cast Bladestorm, if pressed again it will cancel Bladestorm
#showtooltip /cast Bladestorm /cancelaura Bladestorm
----- Macro will cast "Intervene" on your focus target.
#showtooltip /cast [@focus] Intervene
----- Macro will cast a 2 defensive cooldowns to help keep you alive
#showtooltip /castsequence reset=10 Last Stand, Berserker Rage, Enraged Regeneration
----- Macro will cast Shattering thrown and then place you back to "Berserker Stance" (Also if Shattering is on cooldown you can use this macro to stance dance)
#showtooltip /cast [stance:2/3] Battle Stance /cast Shattering Throw /cast [stance:1] Berserker Stance(edited)
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