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HWoW Rogue
dombnexenDate: Monday, 2018-11-26, 9:21 AM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 41
Status: Offline
DPS - Rogue - Guide
Glyphs (Major)

Glyph of Shadow Dance (Needed for Burst Macros)
Glyph of Tricks of the Trade (Replace Shadow Dance)
Glyph of Hunger For Blood
Glyph of Rupture
Glyphs (Minor)

Glyph of Safe Fall
Glyph of Blurred Speed
Glyph of Vanish
Please visit the "Master Harmonia Class Trainer" and finish learning all your abilities to the max level.

MH - Instant Poison
OH - Deadly Poison
Macros : -
Opener -
(Requires stealth, spam it until it uses "Hunger For Blood")

/castsequence reset=2 Premeditation, Slice and Dice, Shadowstep, Garrote, Hunger For Blood

Envenom refreshes your Slice and Dice so after you have it on there's no need to re-apply it unless it falls off.

If you start in combat without "Slice and Dice up", Manually use "Hemorrhage" Followed by "Slice and Dice" to quickly grant you the haste buff, then proceed with the single target macro

Single Target -

/castsequence reset=2 Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Rupture, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Envenom, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Expose Armor, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Envenom, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Envenom, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhage, Shadowstep, Envenom

Use "Hunger For Blood" whenever it falls off as well as Tricks of the Trade off cooldown.

AoE -

/cast Fan of Knives

Keep Hunger For Blood up as well as Tricks of the Trade.

Despite popular belief, Mutilate isn't as good as Hemorrhage. The reason for using Hemorrhage is simply for combo points, with Hemo it allows for your Envenom proc to be up constantly causing you to deal a lot more damage with Instant. Using only Mutilate would energy starve you meaning that you would have a lot of downtime on Envenom causing your DPS to drop drastically.

Macro will cast (in sequence) your full burst, with all cooldowns

/castsequence reset=4 Adrenaline Rush, Blade Flurry, Shadow Dance, Garrote, Ambush, Envenom, Ambush, Envenom, Ambush, Envenom, Killing Spree
/cast Shadowstep

Macro will cast full burst (in sequence) WITHOUT large cooldowns (Adrenaline Rush/Blade Flurry)

/castsequence reset=4 Shadow Dance, Garrote, Ambush, Envenom, Ambush, Envenom, Ambush, Envenom, Killing Spree
/cast Shadowstep

Macro will cast "Tricks of the Trade" on your targets target.

/cast [target=targettarget]Tricks of the Trade

Macro will cast "Tricks of the Trade on your" Focus

/cast [@focus] Tricks of the Trade

Macro will cast tricks on your focus, if you have no focus it will cast on your targets target. If it can't cast on either of the previous conditions it will cast on party 1

/cast [@focus, help] Tricks of the Trade
/cast [@targettarget, help] Tricks of the Trade
/cast [@party1] Tricks of the Trade
Will cast "Blind" on your focus target.

/cast [@focus] Blind

Macro will use Instant Poison on MH with left click and Deadly Poison on OH with Right Click

/use [button:1] Instant Poison IX; [button:2] Deadly Poison IX; [button:3] Instant Poison IX
/use [button:1] 16; [button:2] 17; [button:3] 18
/click StaticPopup1Button1

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