dombnexen | Date: Monday, 2018-11-26, 9:00 AM | Message # 1 |
![dombnexen](/avatar/00/00/00138315.jpg) Lieutenant
Group: Administrators
Messages: 41
Status: Offline
| DPS Mage Guide----- DPS After you get the first set of gear from T1, you will have 100% or more crit, this means using Molten Armor is useless, your best option is Mage Armor for the resistance bonus. ----- Glyphs (Major)
Glyph of Living Bomb (Important) Glyph of Arcane Power Glyph of Evocation ----- Glyphs (Minor)
Glyph of Frost Ward Glyph of Fire Ward Glyph of ___ ----- Macros : - Single Target -/castsequence reset=2 Fireball, Living Bomb, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast
That macro will cast your full rotation, if you don't have enough haste, or have more haste then add more "Pyroblast," casts so that your living bomb explodes before the macro re-applies it -----
/castsequence reset=2 Fireball, Living Bomb, Pyroblast, Slow, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast, Pyroblast
This macro will do the normal full rotation but also includes "Slow" to ensure bosses take longer to cast.
Low haste macro -
/castsequence reset=3 Living Bomb, Fireball, Fireball, Pyroblast, Fireball, Fireball, Pyroblast, Fireball, Fireball, Pyroblast, Fireball, Fireball, Pyroblast
If your Pyroblast is on 1.5 seconds or higher use the low haste macro, if it's 1.4 or below use the normal rotation macro.
AoE -#showtoolip /cast !Flamestrike
Just spam Flamestrike on 3 or more targets.
----- With these macros you will need to continuously and repeatedly press the assigned key. -----
Burst Macro /cast Arcane Power /cast Combustion /cast Icy Veins /castsequence Summon Water Elemental, Mirror Image /petattack Will need to press the macro at least twice due to your Water Ele and Mirror Image sharing a GCD. ----- For maximum DPS with AoE, if there are 3 targets - Apply living bomb and then spam Flamestrike, if there are 4 or more targets, JUST use Flamestrike. If there are 2 targets, use single target rotation. -----
Macro that casts "Ice block" on the first press, then removes "Ice block" on the second press
/cast Ice Block /cancelaura Ice Block
----- Uses Mana Shield then Ice Barrier in sequence
#showtooltip /castsequence [@player] reset=2 Mana Shield, Ice barrier
----- Instant cast polly on focus target (If you have one) - if not, cast on current target.
#showtooltip Polymorph /Use [combat]Presence of Mind /cast [target=focus, exists]Polymorph; Polymorph
or for non instant cast -
#showtooltip Polymorph /cast [target=focus, exists]Polymorph; Polymorph
----- Cancels current cast and uses Counterspell (for quick silences)
#showtooltip Counterspell /stopcasting /cast Counterspell
------ Pet freeze - Macro will summon your pet if you dont have it out, and then cast your pets "Freeze" ability
/cast [nopet]summon water elemental; freeze
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