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HWoW Druid (FeralTank / Healer / FeralDPS / BalanceDPS)
dombnexenDate: Monday, 2018-11-26, 8:38 AM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 41
Status: Offline
Tank - Druid - Guide-----
Glyphs (Major)

Glyph of Survival Instincts
Glyph of Maul
Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration
Glyphs (Minor)

Glyph of Thorns
Glyph of Dash
Glyph of Challenging Roar
Use "Challenging Roar" and "Growl" whenever needed.
Macros : -
Single Target -

/castsequence reset=2 Mangle (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Lacerate, Mangle (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Mangle (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Lacerate
/cast Maul

AoE -

/castsequence reset=2 Mangle (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Lacerate, Mangle (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Mangle (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Swipe (Bear), Lacerate
/cast Maul

Survival -

/cast [noform:1] Dire Bear Form
/cast Barkskin
/cast Frenzied Regeneration
/cast Survival Instincts
/cast Enrage
The "Single Target Macro" and the "AoE" Macro are the same, Swipe and Maul are your AoE spells, they're also your primary abilities.
Use "Faerie Fire (Feral)" at the start of each fight!

Healer - Druid - Guide-----
Glyphs (Major)

Glyph of Wild Growth (NEEDED)
Glyph of Swiftmend (NEEDED)
Glyph of Regrowth (NEEDED)
Glyphs (Minor)

Glyph of Thorns
Glyph of Dash
Glyph of Aquatic Form
Always be in Tree Form when healing
Macros : -
Single Target -

/castsequence reset=3 Healing Touch, Lifebloom, Healing Touch, Wild Growth, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Wild Growth, Swiftmend

AoE -

/cast Tranquility

Please do not rely on sequence macros for healing!
When healing for AoE, just do what you normally would for single target and use Tranquility if/when you need to.

DPS - Feral Druid - Guide-----
Glyphs (Major)

Glyph of Shred
Glyph of Rip
Glyph of Savage Roar
Glyphs (Minor)

Glyph of Thorns
Glyph of Dash
Glyph of Aquatic Form
With single target combat, Rip does more damage over its duration that Ferocious Bite, meaning that because druids have such poor energy, it's better to use bleeds instead of Ferocious Bite for single target (unless you're bursting)
Macros : -
Single Target -

/castsequence reset=3 Mangle (Cat), Rake, Shred, Savage Roar, Shred, Rip, Rake, Shred, Shred, Rake, Rip

For single target, please ensure you're behind the target, Shred hits harder than Mangle so the only reason to use Mangle is to increase your DoT damage.

Macro 2 -

/castsequence reset=3 Mangle (Cat), Rake, Mangle (Cat), Savage Roar, Mangle (Cat), Rip, Rake, Mangle (Cat), Mangle (Cat), Rake, Rip

If for whatever reason you can't fight from behind your target, use Macro 2.

AoE -

/cast [noform:3] Cat Form
/cast Swipe (Cat)

Burst -

/cast [noform:3] Cat Form
/castsequence reset=3 Berserk, Shred, Shred, Rake, Rip, Shred, Shred, Mangle (Cat), Ferocious Bite, Shred, Shred, Ferocious Bite, Shred
/cast Tiger's Fury

Use "Faerie Fire (Feral)" at the start of each fight!
Note - There is no reason to start from stealth, the only thing that effects stealth is "Ravage" and it doesn't hit as hard as Shred.

DPS - Balance - Guide
Glyphs (Major)

Glyph of Focus (NEEDED)
Glyph of Moonfire
Glyph of Starfall
Glyphs (Minor)

Glyph of Thorns
Glyph of Dash
Glyph of Aquatic Form
If you don't use "Glyph of Focus" you'll end up pulling a lot of mobs, you can even pull mobs through walls with this so please ensure you have the Glyph
Macros : -
Single Target -

/castsequence reset=3 moonfire, insect swarm, starfire, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, wrath, moonfire, insect swarm, starfire, starfire, starfire, starfire, starfire, starfire, starfire, starfire, starfire, starfire

AoE -

/cast !Hurricane

For burst just use "Starfall", after (roughly) T4 using "Force of Nature" is a waste of a GCD

Use "Faerie Fire" at the start of each fight!

Macro will cast Cat form followed by Dash (And wont cancel Cat form)#showtooltip
/cast [noform:3] Cat Form
/cast Dash

Places you into bear form and procs everything (Panic button)

/cast [noform:1] Dire Bear Form
/cast Barkskin
/cast Frenzied Regeneration
/cast Survival Instincts
/cast Enrage

Macro will cast "Cyclone" on your focus target

/cast [@focus] Cyclone

Macro will cast "Entangling Roots" on your focus target

/cast [@focus] Entangling Roots

Macro will switch you to tree form and spam a basic heal rotation on your target (useful if your healer(s) die)

/cast [noform:5] Tree of Life
/castsequence reset=3 Healing Touch, Lifebloom, Healing Touch, Regrowth, Rejuvenation, Healing Touch, Wild Growth, Healing Touch, Lifebloom, Healing Touch, Healing Touch
/cast Nature's Swiftness

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